Ministries & Offices

Care for Creation

  • Creation Care Guide - Diocese of Columbus

  • Catholic Conference of Ohio, Care for Creation 
    This webpage on environmental justice provides resources for families, parishes, schools, and other institutions. This webpage is an excellent link to current issues and Catholic teaching documents.

  • USCCB Environmental Justice Program
    The Environmental Justice Program (EJP) educates and motivates Catholics to a deeper reverence and respect for God's creation, and encourages Catholics to address environmental problems, especially as they affect poor and vulnerable people. This website provides suggestions for action, discussion guides bulletin inserts, liturgy suggestions, action alerts.

  • Catholic Climate Covenant 
    This organization promotes awareness about the threat of global climate change. This website has links to recent Vatican statements on climate change as well as simple things you can do to make a difference. Take the St. Francis Pledge to care for creation and the poor, learn how to create a Care for Creation Team, and advocate for sound public policy.

  • Catholic Relief Services
    Visit Catholic Relief Services’ Care for Creation resources. Be in solidarity with others around the world.

  • Catholics Confront Global Poverty
    Be in global solidarity with our neighbors.

  • Catholic Rural Life Conference
    CRL has extensive experience promoting stewardship of the land for rural, urban, and suburban communities.

  • Shepherd’s Corner
    This 160-acre ecology center operated by the Dominican Sisters of Peace offers education programs and activities on environmental stewardship.

  • Ohio Interfaith Power and Light
    The organization encourages religious communities to go green. They can also help churches conduct an energy audit.

  • Columbus Green Spot
    Make you parish or school a Green Spot. Take part in this local initiative. Educator’s Toolkit, Green Spot Backyards, sustainability classes, business and school resources, and much more.

  • The Ohio State University Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
    Organize a parish or school tour.