Ministries & Offices

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has two grants programs:  community development and economic development.

CCHD Community Development Grants support efforts that demonstrate a commitment to the dignity of the human person.  CCHD-funded groups are led by people living in poverty and work to address the root causes of poverty by nurturing solidarity between the poor and non-poor and facilitating the participation of people living in poverty in decisions that perpetuate poverty in their lives.  As part of such efforts, low-income people gain the ability to identify barriers, brainstorm solutions, and take action to change problematic structures and systems in their communities.

CCHD Economic Development Grants support economic development initiatives that significantly include the voice of the poor and marginalized in developing new businesses that offer good jobs and/or develop assets that will be owned and enjoyed by local communities.

CCHD National Grant Applications Timeline, click here.